
The User module allows users to register, log in, and log out. It also allows users with proper permissions to manage user roles (used to classify users) and permissions associated with those roles. For more information, see the online handbook entry for User module.


Creating and managing users
The User module allows users with the appropriate permissions to create user accounts through the People administration page, where they can also assign users to one or more roles, and block or delete user accounts. If allowed, users without accounts (anonymous users) can create their own accounts on the Create new account page.
User roles and permissions
Roles are used to group and classify users; each user can be assigned one or more roles. By default there are two roles: anonymous user (users that are not logged in) and authenticated user (users that are registered and logged in). Depending on choices you made when you installed Drupal, the installation process may have defined more roles, and you can create additional custom roles on the Roles page. After creating roles, you can set permissions for each role on the Permissions page. Granting a permission allows users who have been assigned a particular role to perform an action on the site, such as viewing a particular type of content, editing or creating content, administering settings for a particular module, or using a particular function of the site (such as search).
Account settings
The Account settings page allows you to manage settings for the displayed name of the anonymous user role, personal contact forms, user registration, and account cancellation. On this page you can also manage settings for account personalization (including signatures and user pictures), and adapt the text for the e-mail messages that are sent automatically during the user registration process.


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